I work with paper. My collages include typographical elements created from my poetry and architectural and nature images from my photographs. I create a personal vocabulary of shapes and patterns where visual, written (and implied audio) communications overlap, intersect, and co-exist in physical form.
Lisa Segal is an artist/poet/writer. She is an instructor of JACK GRAPES' METHOD WRITING and the author of four books: METAMORPHOSIS: WHO IS THE MAKER? AN ARTIST’S STATEMENT (her poetry, prose, and sculpture); KICKING TOWARDS THE DEEP END (a solo poetry/prose collection); TRIPS (a three-poet collection); JACK GRAPES’ METHOD WRITING: THE BRUSH-UP (a textbook). She co-edited SIDE-EYE ON THE APOCALYPSE: AN ANTHOLOGY OF PROSE AND POETRY FROM 2020, edited STILL HERE, STILL STANDING (an anthology), and is the editor of METHOD WRITERS SPEAK—No. 1 & No. 2 (an anthology series).